The Small Things: How Much Impact do People Really Have?

“Sometimes, some things fall apart in order for other things to come together.”


Call it fate, destiny or any other term you may have – I have a strong belief that everyone you meet comes into your life for a reason. It’s not always easy to identify what that reason is right away, but looking back, you may find that someone has had a massive impact on your life and who you are as a person. Perhaps it’s the stranger that smiled at you on the way to the market, or maybe it’s someone that you’ve just met and you realize that they’ve helped you grow in more ways than you could have originally thought. As I’ve gotten older and moved around for work and university, I find that I’m more willing to let people in than I ever have been before.

I find that people can be quite intriguing, as each person has their own story to tell – they just need the voice to be able to tell it. Recently, I met someone that changed my life rather immensely – and the crazy thing is, they might not have any idea that they’ve done so. This is what I mean by the impact that people can have on each other. You never know the impact you could be making on someone else’s life.




However, we’ll get back to the story I began. The person that I met was one that I was actually quite excited to meet but had no idea what could come from it. Fast forward to now, I’ve come even more out of my shell. Realized my passion in life truly lies with creativity and creating. I value myself and my thoughts more. I’m happier. I trust my instincts more, and I’m more willing to wear my heart on my sleeve. I was struggling a little with some of these recently, I was in a bit of a dark place and feeling a little stuck – but now, that’s completely changed. I’m so, incredibly grateful that they perhaps unknowingly helped me to break out of that mindset. Personally, I think that every interaction you have with someone has the potential to shape you or how you think, even if it may not be noticeable right away. Or, on the flip-side, it could be like a curtain has been lifted.

Sometimes I wonder just how much I’ve impacted those around me – I hope that mark has thus far been a positive one – yet I still wonder, in the amount of stories that people tell about those they’ve met (recently or otherwise) how many stories do people tell about me? Maybe you’ve wondered the same thing. At least, I hope I’m not alone in this. I think it’s interesting to see the impact that you have, and the difference that you could have the potential to make in someone’s life. Have you ever been curious about the mark you’ve left on people as they’ve known you?





One thing that stands out to me in terms of realizing just how great that imprint may be, is measuring your own personal growth and seeing the difference in your own mindset having an affect on others. Are there previous perceptions about you that no longer apply? Perhaps you could be more well-traveled and experienced, more caring, loving, generous, adventurous, courageous; the list could go on forever. What is it about you now that causes a positive ripple effect of a better environment with the people you interact with today rather than yesterday? Last week? Last year? Sometimes it’s even the smallest of things that could brighten someone’s life, and you may not even be aware you’re doing it.

I often wonder about just how much of an impact the small things can have – maybe for a stranger or even a close friend. Take Carrie Bradshaw from Sex and the City for example. If Mr. Big would have only just seen her face on the day of their ‘big white wedding’ would they have gone through with it, or would he have still asked his driver to leave? Perhaps he would, or maybe not. Even if it is only a movie – it still goes to show just how much one small action (like seeing someone’s face across the room) can mean to someone.

Get the Look


Do you think that you meet everyone in your life for a reason? I strongly think so – it’s just up to you to figure out what that reason is, and what you can learn from them. Are you ever curious about how much of an impact you’ve made on the lives of those that surround you? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments. Until next, xoxo.



Today’s Look

Blazer old, similar here

Black Camisole by Topshop

Trousers by White House Black Market

Trainers by Merona for Target

Necklace by Monica Vinader

Gold Ring by Monica Vinader

Clutch Handbag by A New Day for Target

Leather Belt by Banana Republic

Sunglasses by QUAY Australia


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Read the Comments +

  1. I definitely think people come into our lives for a reason! Even the bad experiences, because I’ve literally learnt something from each one. Right now I have someone in my life who I’m actually trying to fade out, she takes advantage of friendships and uses people for their benefit, but she does it in such a crafty way, I actually thought she was my best friend. But when times get tough and they back away and don’t care for your problems (even though you cared immensely for theirs) you can see where the true friendship lies. I’ve learnt that just because one of your friends has the same hobbies and interests as you, it doesn’t mean they’re always gonna be there for you as a true friend when you need it.
    But she came into my life for a reason, because now I’m more aware when I’m being taken advantage of!

    • Monochrome Minimalist says:

      Thank you for sharing, my darling! I really appreciate you doing so!

      You’re right- the lesson learned isn’t always an easy one, but I’m glad that even through that she was able to teach you something, even if it was difficult to go through. I can definitely relate to you in that situation. I hope all is well now. xx

  2. Ericka says:

    I have always felt that people come into our lives for a reason… Sometimes it’s not easy to figure out why initially, but over time, I think it becomes clear when thinking back on previous experiences that may reflect current circumstances and ultimately help us determine a better path or appreciate the path we were once on. Just last week I literally ran into someone that has made an impact on my life. I had just been thinking about her the day before and it had been a year since we last connected. Her encouragement and positive reinforcement during that brief conversation was just what I needed! The universe gives us what we need if we look for it. Great post!

    • Monochrome Minimalist says:

      Thank you so much for sharing! xx

      Glad to hear that you were able to have that experience – it’s so wonderful when people can have that much of a positive impact on your life!

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