Why it’s Important to Take Care of Yourself

Autumn can be a stressful time of the year for many reasons. There is always so much going on and so many things are starting to change. Some are starting University for the year, others could be starting a new job or a project and some may even be hurrying around trying to get their hands on their favourite autumnal pieces before they all start to go out of stock. If you’re one of the people that likes to rush about, you’ve probably heard someone say that you should “slow down and take some time to take care of yourself.” However, even if you don’t live a hurried lifestyle, it’s still important to take time to care for yourself as well.


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Recently, I’ve had a few stressful weeks. I’m no stranger to them, and if I met someone that said that they were unfamiliar with the feeling, I may be a bit skeptical. Work had started piling up, and deadlines were fast approaching, and I realized that I was starting to spread myself a bit too thin. I’m one of the people that, especially when I find someone that I enjoy working with, am likely to not want to disappoint them by saying no – so I’ll take on projects even if I’m starting to have a bit much going on at the moment. In doing this, I’ve noticed that even if the work may be good, I tend to not feel as much myself. Coming to this realization had me thinking that it was time to take a night to stay in, have a chill and pamper session, and start feeling a bit more like me. I’ve come up with a few ways that I like to use the time I take for myself as well as how I go about de-stressing after a few difficult weeks in a row.


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Take a Breath

Self-care and relaxation is important for so many reasons. For some, it may be what they need to get over a bad day. For others, maybe it’s the way they step back, take a breather and let themselves relax. Living in a city myself, things are constantly on the go – and I can tell that it takes a toll on my spirits and overall health (like the colds you just can’t seem to get over) if I don’t make the time to have the world seem to slow down just a bit every once and a while.


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Have a Pamper Evening

I feel as though this speaks for itself. Honestly, who doesn’t love a little pamper every now and again? When I decide to have a proper pamper evening, there is a bit of a routine that I like to follow. First up, a hot shower or a bath. The warm water and steam always is an instant relaxer for me – and getting to use my favourite bath products is always a bonus too! After a shower, I’ve been going for a face combo that I’ve been swearing by for the past few months. First up, an exfoliating mask by Tree Hut Skincare (which smells incredibly lovely). Then after I’ve cleaned that mask from my skin, I’ve been going for a moisturizing and renewing face mask by Shea Moisture. Let me just say – the rose scent of this mask is just divine! After I’ve finished using both of the masks, I move on to my typical skincare routine of lotions and potions – which has me feeling quite refreshed.


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Have a Coffee

Or if you are not necessarily a fan of coffee, go for a cup of tea. This may sound cliche, but it’s honestly rather astounding at how much a warm cup of coffee can lift your spirits. Especially when you can just sit in your favourite spot at home or a favourite coffee shop and enjoy it for a while.


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Do Some of Your Favourite Things

Personally, I love going to art galleries. There is an incredibly beautiful gallery at the Minneapolis Institute of Art, which hosts different collections and exhibitions as well as the permanent collections they have as well. I always feel incredibly serene when I go to different art galleries. Something about having many personalities and perspectives under one roof is so refreshing.


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Call Your Mum

You’ll probably have heard this one quite a bit, but it’s something I swear by. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve been having a difficult time with something, picked up the phone to ring my mum, and probably stayed on the line for nearly an hour – and I’m telling you, by the time I hang up I feel so much better. Whether it be something so simple as how to make an article work, maybe needing advice for a specific situation, or something as difficult as a heartbreak – my mum is always the first person I’ll call.


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I hope this gave a few helpful tips for nights where you want to take some time for yourself. As previously mentioned, taking care of yourself is so incredibly important. Yet sadly, it can be one of the things that is easy to forget about when you have a lot going on in your life.


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How do you go about feeling better after a difficult day? Any de-stressing tips that I missed? Let me know in the comments! Until next, xoxo.


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