Big Changes and New Beginnings: What Next?

A question that many people (including myself) find themselves asking is, “What’s next?”. Perhaps if you’ve caught a travel bug, you’re planning your next big adventure, maybe you’re changing jobs and moving across the country, or maybe you’re like me – realizing you’re so close to the next big milestone in your life and you can’t help but wonder what’s in store for you afterwards.

I’ve not often mentioned on my blog that I’m currently nearing the start of my last year at University. Wow. That seems so weird to be writing that down. I’m a twenty-something with an old soul, trying to find her place in the world – having roots in two very different places, yet each feeling like home. A girl with enough ambitions to fill the heads of thirty, if not more, and the number only continues to increase. I’ve found a creative aesthetic that speaks to me in the past year – and I’ve embraced it fully with my feet hitting the ground running.


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I feel like I’ve done so much already with my life, but also nowhere near enough. I’ve lived in another country for four months, and in another month, I’m set to leave again – and I’ll be honest, I’m chomping at the bit. I can’t wait to be in a city that I consider to be a home away from home.

Now, don’t get me wrong – this isn’t going to turn into a list of everything I’ve done in my life or all my accomplishments thus far. This is just me not quite being able to wrap my head around the fact that all most all of this has happened within the past year and a half and trying to make sense of it. Now, with my last year of University fast approaching and graduation soon following, I can’t help but wonder, what’s next? What’s next after this chapter of my life finishes? What happens then?


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I’m the type that’s always full of curiosity. I like knowing what happens next. So much so, that sometimes I’ll look up the plot of a series WHILST I’m watching it – and yes, I still enjoy every second of the show. I love surprises, although you can bet that I’ll ask a hundred times what it is before I’m allowed to find out. Therefore, I’ll admit, not knowing what will happen next scares me a bit. But I’ll tell you one thing – it excites the hell out of me, too.

Short term, I do know what’s next for me. I mentioned in my March Memo a little while back that I would be moving to London for the summer at the end of May. This is a move that will challenge me professionally, personally and creatively – and I think (and hope) that this will be one of the best decisions that I’ve ever made.


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Originally – my decision to apply to go back to London was a bit impulsive. There were people and parts of living in England that I dearly missed – and when I found this program, my mum had advised me to sleep on it, give it a little thought and then decide. Well, that’d exactly what I did. I slept on it and applied the next afternoon. When I received the email telling me that I’d been accepted to the program, my eyes instantly filled with the happiest of tears. I couldn’t wait to be back on a plane crossing the Atlantic yet again.

That leads me to now. With this move just a month away, here I am wondering what my life will look like in a year. I’m hoping that it will be full of love, laughter, excitement, fulfillment and opportunity – but, no one can ever really be sure of these things. It’s up to us to take the steps necessary to ensure for ourselves the best possible outcome for what happens after the “what’s next?” – but there isn’t a rule book. No guidelines, connect the dots, no manuscript on how you’re supposed to achieve what is next for you. But, with that, I think that’s the fun part – being able to figure it out, step-by-step, without ever really knowing what the next step will be.

So, here’s to your “what’s next,” across the board, no matter if you have many or few. I would love to know what your ‘next’ is. Maybe you’ll inspire others, or even be inspired yourself. Until next, xoxo.


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Read the Comments +

  1. Natalie says:

    That’s so exciting you’re going to London for the summer! I really hope to make it over there someday

    • Monochrome Minimalist says:

      It is quite honestly one of my favourite cities – if you get the chance, definitely go. It’s so full of charm and different at every turn you take!

  2. I’m so excited for you. London is such an amazing city – it’s definitely the place I want to move back to. I love not knowing what is coming up next in life, it is exciting!

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