How to Clear Up Your Website Messaging

Imagine this: you’ve invested hours, days or even months into a beautiful website, only to launch and hear…crickets.

Has this ever happened to you?

If you answered yes, with a sigh (most likely), then you’re not alone. In fact – there’s tons of folks each day that are googling and searching on Pinterest for ways to improve their websites, how to get more eyes on their content and quick changes to make to help their websites convert.

Most people are quick to think that a website isn’t that important, that networking is the only way to bring in traffic, and as a result – sales or paying clients. Well, I’ve got good news for you.

That simply isn’t true.

What I’ve found that’s usually the culprit, is that most websites are unclear to potential customers from the jump. The folks browsing their website either don’t know where to go, what to do, or why they should even consider buying from you.

And that, my friend, is a bit of a problem.

In just a second, I’ll get into how to clear up your website messaging by doing a simple website audit – but first, I wanted to touch on what makes up the bones of a high-converting website.


What does conversion actually mean?

Conversion is a term that’s used to describe when your customers are taking the desired actions on your website – for example:

  • Inquiring to book/hire you
  • Making a purchase or starting a subscription
  • Downloading a freebie
  • Signing up for a masterclass or online course
  • Opting in for your newsletter

And if you don’t have this happening regularly, you need to make some changes. Because here’s the thing- your website should inspire the people who find it to take action.

I mean, that’s why you built it after all.


What do you need for a high-converting website?

Typically, when it comes to making sure your website is built to convert – you need to ensure that you have six non-negotiable things on your website.


1. Who you are and what you do

First things first, you need to give potential customers and leads that land on your website a clear message. This means telling them who you are, what you do and why you do it.

I’m going to be real with you: no one is going to buy from you if they can’t figure you out.

Harsh? Sure. But true? definitely.

If you want to make the information about you and your business more clear, it starts by simply making it easier to find. This can be done in the navigation (the header with links at the top of your website), clear headings (check out the example below) and simple, but effective, calls to action (like ‘learn more’).



2. Social proof

If you have a business that promises your customers a certain result – well, you’re going to need a way to back that up. This can look like testimonials, reviews, awards or accolades.

You might be thinking, “Okay, Gretchen – but I’m just getting started. How do I get those?” Well, if you don’t have them yet – don’t worry. But I would recommend making it a part of your client workflow to request a review.

Personally, I use a step in my invoicing automation when I’m working one-on-one with my clients to request one without even thinking about it.

If you do have the social proof already – even if it’s a google review – put them on your website! Here’s a few good spots to include a review:

  • About me page
  • Work with me page
  • Services page
  • Homepage
  • Contact me page


3. A way to contact you

If your leads can’t contact you – then it’ll be hard for them to buy from you. Especially if you’ve built a business that requires your potential customers to submit an inquiry before you can work together. Make your contact page super easy to find. And, bonus – you can always include a pop-up on your blog or services page prompting them to book an intro call or submit an inquiry with you.

Sure, pop-ups are a little cheesy. But you can bet they still work.


4. A reason to think that you’re the best person for the job

This is the part where you share with your potential customers why they should consider working with you. They’re investing their hard-earned cash when they choose to work with you, and what that means – is that you need to show them why they should invest in you rather than someone else.

You can share your “why”, sometimes called a differentiation point, or show them why you’re worth the money. You’re trying to be a solution for what they’re struggling with. And sometimes, you can give them enough information in your website copy by asking yourself – what problems am I trying to solve, and how would my ideal customer want them to be solved?


5. Inspiring calls to action

If there’s one thing that you will never make a sale or get an inquiry without – it’s a call to action (CTA). It’s what should be on any contact page, sales page or product page – and it should inspire your customer to take your desired action.

A lot of the folks that come to your website are seeing it for the first time. They’re here to do their due diligence on you, and often that means they need to be told where to go on your website and what to do.

Here’s some examples of CTA copy:

  • Learn more
  • Book now
  • Inquire now
  • Buy now
  • Subscribe
  • Tune In
  • More information

And of course, there’s many more. This is just a starting point.


6. A reason to stick around if they’re not ready to buy…yet

I’m a firm believer that if you have a business, your brand is what gives customers and leads a reason to stick around even if they’re not yet ready to buy.

Think about it this way.

Your business is the products, the client calls, the thing to purchase, your offer. Your brand is the personality behind the business – this could look like helpful content on a blog or podcast, entertaining social media posts, personal stories from the founder, daily laughs, a funky email newsletter – you name it.

Giving folks a reason to stick around means that even if they’re not ready to spend money yet – fun fact, most people need 6-7 marketing touches before they are – your brand will make sure that you’re top of mind when they are ready to spend.


How to clear up your website messaging in 3 easy steps

Here’s some questions you should ask yourself as you’re auditing your website:


1. Is my message clear right away?

Clarity is one of the most important aspects of your website. Why? You know what they say – a confused customer will always say no.

Think about it this way – if you’re on a website and can’t figure out what the heck it’s about, or where you can buy something, you’re probably going to hit the back button. Right?

Of course. It’s a safety net.

Here’s the non-negotiables that need to be clear to your customers RIGHT AWAY on your website.

  • Who you are
  • What you do / what you sell
  • What makes you different / stand out from the crowd


2. Are there relevant calls to action to help my customers make a purchase?

If there’s one thing that I could hang my hat on for lack of inquiries and purchases, it’s that there aren’t any calls to action that tell your customer what to do or where to buy.

Contrary to popular belief: people actually do like to be told what to do. Shocking, I know.

They also like to be told how to do it too.

But here’s the thing. Sometimes, when we’re too familiar with our content, it can seem obvious what someone’s next step will be on our website. But for the average website visitor who’s typically just going for a scroll, it might not be.

One thing I want you to do after reading this article, is to look through your website. Are there any calls to action that need a little bit more oomph? Can you add any calls to action that weren’t there before?

Sidenote: one of the places that I usually don’t see a call to action, but should, is the ABOUT ME page. Make sure you’ve got one on yours!


3. Do I show my customers that I am their best option?

Are you sharing with your customers why you’re the best person for the job, or why you’re worth their investment?

Make sure you’ve got a combination of social proof and copy sharing why you (and only you) can provide the exact solution your leads are looking for. Sure, other folks in your niche can do what you do – but no one can do it exactly like you can.



I want to leave you with this: building a high-converting website is absolutely possible. Your website should be working for you, not against you, and by making some simple swaps – you can be on your way to more leads and more sales before you know it.



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