How to Whiten Sensitive Teeth at Home

This post contains a gifted collaboration with Smile Brilliant.


A smile is your best accessory. We’ve all heard the saying many times over. For many, the first thing that they notice about someone is a lovely smile. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m one of these people. Having a bright smile, in my opinion, is one of the biggest confidence boosters. When my teeth are seeming a bit yellow after one (three) too many espressos, I notice that I’ll tend to fully smile less.

I’ve been an avid coffee drinker for nearly four years now. Before that, it was darker coloured soft-drinks, and my teeth were starting to show it. In terms of teeth-whitening, I’ve tried a few products in the past – whether it be whitening strips, toothpastes, mouthwashes, and pens. And while they seem to initially work, I hadn’t found any that have had massive lasting power. In short, I needed a good way to whiten sensitive teeth.


Which at teeth whitener is best?

What is smile brilliant?


I haven’t always had the most positive experiences with whitening products. Sometimes the results could be a bit patchy, and my teeth would start to look uneven and perhaps even a bit dirty (definitely not a look I was going for!). The strips that I’ve used in the past would usually move around on my teeth, thus not getting the best results possible. At one point, I had started looking into professional teeth whitening from my dentist – but professional whitening services tend to come with a hefty price tag.


How to whiten my teeth at home?


A few months ago, Smile Brilliant contacted me and asked if I’d like to test out their home teeth-whitening system. Always looking for the chance to get rid of the coffee stains on my teeth, I jumped at the opportunity.

At the start of the whitening process, I was asked questions about my teeth, my dental history and if I’d had any work done (fillings, etc.). Upon receiving my whitening kit, I had to make impressions of my teeth in order to get the custom-fit trays used during the whitening process. The custom trays are probably my favourite aspect (aside from the whitening itself) about this process.


What is smile brilliant?

What is the best at home teeth whitener?


When I’d used other whitening products before, I’d had issues with fit. The white strips never really stayed in place well, and in my opinion, were not the easiest to take off without a bit of a mess. The trays eliminate all of the hassle, they’re quite easy to pop in and out after the treatment is done.


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The whitening treatment itself is also an incredibly easy process. Personally, I went for a whitening treatment every other day. This is more of a gradual result, but it worked the best for me as I have quite a bit of teeth sensitivity. The whitening kit comes with a desensitizing gel as well as the whitening treatment, which is perfect if you’ve got sensitive teeth like I do.

If you’re looking for a faster result, you could go for a whitening treatment every day – in my case it took about three treatments for others (instead of just me) to notice a difference in my teeth, so if you’re whitening every day you could have a brighter smile in as little as a week’s time!


what is smile brilliant?

what is the best at home teeth whitening system?


With whiter teeth, I find myself smiling more and enjoying my smile more. Always taking photos, I’ve noticed how much more I’ve been smiling lately vs when I first relaunched my blog. I definitely have Smile Brilliant to thank for that.


Smile Brilliant has been kind enough to give me a discount code for you to use if you are interested in trying out the at home whitening treatment yourself.


If you’d like to get 15% off your Smile Brilliant purchase, use monochrome15 at checkout!


Also, if you’d like to enter a giveaway for $149 towards your own whitening kit, enter here!


Smile Brilliant, Best tooth whitener, home teeth whitening, white smile, how to whiten teeth, do home whitening services work, how to get rid of coffee stains

Have you ever tried an at-home teeth whitening system before? If so, did it work for you? Would you use it again? Let me know in the commments! Until next, xoxo.




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Read the Comments +

  1. kattieh says:

    I might look into this, as professional teeth whitening is so expensive. I use whitening tooth paste, but that’s not really the best! Your teeth look so white now!

    • Monochrome Minimalist says:

      Thank you! I needed to find something to help with my serious espresso habit! It’s definitely worth checking out! x

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